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Ever since its launching, the company has undertaken and executed several projects in Greek and Interational Industry, such as;

Office air conditioning, production facilities ventilation, cold stores construction.

Office air conditioning, production facilities ventilation, cold stores construction.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 450RT, in needs of the new factory in Timisoara.Production facilities ventilation, cold stores construction.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 250RT. Production facilities ventilation, cold stores construction.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 350RT, in needs of the new factory in Sofia. Production facilities ventilation, cold stores construction.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 300RT, in needs of the new factory in Novosibirsk.Production facilities ventilation, cold stores construction.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 200RT, for the needs of the new factory in Belgrade.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 400RT, to facilitate the needs of the production facility in Skopje.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 820RT, for the needs of the new factory in Nigeria.

Constraction and installation of a central glycol cooling plant, power 100RT, for the needs of the new factory in Nigeria.

Cold stores construction, preheating room construction for raw materials at Lamia's factory.

Construction of three cold rooms in needs of the factory A.

Construction of six cold rooms, made of INOX panels for the needs of the factory B.

Construction of four cold rooms, one chilled for raw materials and one dough maintenance room to facilitate the needs of the factory C.

Construction of three cold rooms of INOX panels to facilitate the needs of the production facilities in Bucharest, Chipita Romania S.R.L.

Construction of three cold rooms of INOX panels for the needs of production facilities in Sofia, Chipita Bulgaria S.R.L.

Supply and installation of cooling plant of 55RT capacity in packing room, to facilitate the needs of production facilities in Thessaloniki.

Supply and installation of cooling plant of 20RT capacity in chocolate room, at the factory of Thessaloniki.

Supply and installation of air conditioning system of 32 RT cooling capacity, for the improvement of bread staling at Inofita facilities.

Installation of refregerating equipment at cereals store at Inofita facilities.

Chiller and heat exchanger supply for the Tricool cooling system of Inofita facilities.

Supply and installation of air conditioning system in fermentation sector at Inofita facilities. Cooling capacity; 100RT.

Supply and installation of air conditioning, ventilation and air filtration system , cooling capacity; 518RT.

Design, supply and installation of a central control system for recording, automation and remote control of the cold store ( SCADA system)